People often have a lot of questions when it comes to having their cats groomed at Groomer19 & Friends Pet Saloon. Here are answers to those most frequently asked; if yours isn’t here, please feel free to call or email.
We ask that you provide a cell phone number or email so we can remind you two days in advance of your appointment to lessen the “I forgots”. It’s our goal to make sure your favorite feline enjoys the benefits of regular grooming and that our groomers are able to manage their schedules to better serve all of our customers
We prefer you give us 48 hours notice for a cancellation or to reschedule. We understand that things come up, but time has been reserved specifically for your pet, so we would like to be notified as soon as possible if you are unable to make your appointment. Because this is a small hands-on pet spa, last minute cancellations impact us and the other customers who are in need of an appointment, even more than happens in a national chain.
As a result, we’ve had to establish a policy to try to reduce the problem. Customers who no-show or cancel less than 24 hours in advance (with rare exceptions,) will be sent a bill for their missed appointment. If this bill is not paid within 30 days, it will be submitted to a collection agency. If Gordon’s Grooming must retain a collection agency or law firm to collect past due balances owed to Gordon’s Grooming, clients will also be responsible for additional collection agency fees, court costs, attorney fees or incidental costs associated with collecting.
We track all last minute cancellations (less than 24 hours) and no shows, so if a customer has excessive cancellations, we will be forced to engage a pre-payment requirement for their appointments. They will also forfeit that pre-payment if they cancel or reschedule less than 24 hours in advance.
No, we work quickly and efficiently. You can drop your cat off, run some errands, and come back to pick them up later. However, we do understand that some people will need to leave their pets longer than others, but we do not require much time. Expedited service is available for an extra charge.
On the other hand, if your schedule requires leaving the cat for an extended period of time, or dropping overnight, we will have to discuss our daycare rates. (It’s kind of like a test-drive of our boarding services!)
On the off chance that your cat does respond to your watching, we do have a customer waiting area available, just out of a pet’s line of site (but you can still hear your pet,) so you are welcome to wait quietly while we groom your pet. But cat’s reacting like dogs during grooming sessions is really rare.
We don’t want to sound non-committal, but….it depends.
We have a lot of patience and skill for dematting. The use of proper equipment and product helps quite a bit. We’re willing to try as long as your pet will tolerate it. However, if your pet shows discomfort or stress, we will not. Most pets do fine given the de-matting techniques we use.
That being said, regular grooming is so very important! We firmly believe it is far easier on the cat (and their human) to be groomed regularly than to undergo a heavy dematting two or three times a year. Another benefit? Regular grooming avoids the additional fees that come with the time and products needed for dematting.